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- H O M E B U D G E T M A N A G E M E N T S Y S T E M
- version 1.3 February 1986
- Table of Contents page
- OVERVIEW................................. 3
- CONVENTIONS.............................. 4
- GETTING STARTED.......................... 5
- SETTING UP YOUR OWN SYSTEM............... 6
- INITIALIZING THE SYSTEM............... 7
- ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE................... 8
- LEDGER POSTING........................ 10
- CLOSE/OPEN MONTH...................... 13
- REPORTS............................... 14
- SAVE DATA............................. 15
- This program is being distributed in an "ARC" file format
- named HBMS13.ARC. The following files should be included:
- README.HBM textfile
- HBMS.DOC documentation
- HBMS.COM program
- HBMS.000 program overlay
- STARTUP.HBM sample data file
- CATS.84 sample data file
- ACCOUNTS.84 sample data file
- LEDGR-4.84 sample data file
- IBM PC, PC/XT, PCjr, or compatible
- 128K RAM
- 1 disk drive
- Printer (screen reports available)
- Printer should be capable of printing 132 columns,
- such as a dot matrix printer using a condensed
- font (17 characters per inch).
- NOTE: This program is set up to run on a color monitor as
- the use of color is exploited throughout the program.
- 254 accounts
- 38 categories
- -2-
- -----------
- If you are like most people, there have been many
- occasions when you have uttered those famous words, "Where
- did all the money go?". The solution of course is to keep
- better records, but this is a task no one likes to do. This
- program was created to make the record keeping part as
- painless as possible.
- H.B.M.S. is flexible. You may want to use it as a
- reference on your entire financial position, or just use it
- as a check register. This program makes it easy to keep
- accurate and complete records of all your financial
- transactions. With faithful record keeping and a carefully
- designed Chart of Accounts, you will be rewarded with a
- variety of information. This can help you better decide how
- to manage your money, not to mention how welcome these
- figures will be when tax time arrives! All this data can be
- readily viewed on screen, or printed in formatted statements.
- The printed reports include:
- * Transaction Report
- * Sorted Ledger Report
- * Monthly Income & Expense Report
- * Balance Sheet
- * Annual Actuals
- * Annual Budget Report
- * Chart of Accounts
- H.B.M.S. is based on a double entry ledger system.
- Every effort has been made to make the job of entering data
- as easy as possible. A sample database has been provided to
- represent what H.B.M.S can do.
- - 3 -
- ------------------------
- H.B.M.S. is menu driven. Throughout the program when
- you are prompted to enter data, you will see a field in
- reverse video. Your data, be it an account code, name,
- description, etc. will be limited to the length of this
- field. When in this field, a full array of editing keys are
- available:
- <ESC>
- The <ESC> key needs further mention. It is used to
- erase all data in a field. Hitting the <ESC> key followed by
- the <ENTER> key, enters a null value. In most cases,
- entering a null value in response to a prompt will cancel the
- current mode and return you to a menu. You will be reminded
- on line 25 when this ESCape option is available.
- In most parts of the program you will need to supply a
- code for the account you are interested in. Often you will
- be provided with a starting code. After that, your prompt
- will be the next code in the order of their appearance in the
- Chart of Accounts.
- H.B.M.S. consists of two program files, HBMS.COM and
- it's overlay file HBMS.000. These two files must reside on
- the default drive. H.B.M.S. creates the following files:
- STARTUP .HBM year and month infor.
- PRINTER .HBM * optionally created printer driver
- CATS .yr category names
- ACCOUNTS.yr account names and all data
- LEDGR-m .yr ledger file for each month
- (yr = Year of data, m = month)
- It is suggested that these data files be kept on a
- separate disk. In this manner you should be able to fit an
- entire year of data on one disk, or maybe have individual
- disks for separate budgets. In any case, when the free space
- gets below 20K, H.B.M.S. will warn you.
- - 4 -
- --------------------
- To run the program type HBMS followed by drive
- designation for your data files:
- example-> HBMS b: <RETURN>
- H.B.M.S will search for your data on the drive
- specified. If your data files will reside on the program
- disk, leave off the drive designation.
- I highly recommend that you run the program using the
- sample data before you begin your own budget. Supplied with
- H.B.M.S you should find four sample data files consisting of
- running the program with this sample data you can easily see
- what H.B.M.S has to offer. You will be able to see what
- H.B.M.S can do, without waiting for your own data
- to accumulate.
- Go to the reports section and explore. Each
- report is explained later in this document. Please try
- printing out some or all of the reports provided, but read
- about printer compatibility in the Initialize System
- section of this document before attempting to make any
- printouts.
- DO NOT try to start a new year with the sample data.
- Also please do not try to reopen a month with the sample data
- as only the current ledger file (April) has been included
- for demonstration purposes. The first three months of data
- are in the database, but their ledgers have not been
- included.
- This sample data is entirely fictitious. Some of the
- amounts may seem a little strange, but they should still
- represent how the program might be used.
- -5-
- --------------------------------------
- When you are ready to start your own budget make sure
- that you have removed the sample data! All you need for your
- own system is the file HBMS.COM and it's overlay HBMS.000.
- STEP 1. Go to the under the Initialize System and select
- "Begin New Year". Here you enter such things as
- the year of the data and the beginning month.
- STEP 2. Return to the Main Menu and select "Account
- Maintenance". Here you will able to design your
- own Chart of Accounts by using the ADD,CHANGE, and
- DELETE functions. This is a very important step.
- A lot of thought should go into it's design, as you
- will be using it for the entire budget year. (see
- description under Chart of Accounts)
- STEP 3. Select "Initial Balances" . Here you will be able
- to enter any existing balances for your Assets
- and Liabilities. Income and Expense accounts
- always start out with a zero balance.
- STEP 4. Select "Budget Assignment". Here you will be able
- to enter any budget values that you may want
- to set as goals. This step is optional.
- STEP 5. Now you are ready for the actual record keeping
- Routines. Return to the Main Menu and select
- "Ledger Posting". Here you will be able to enter
- all your transactions. NOTE: I find it helpful to
- save my receipts from each day and jot down any
- other transactions. Then at the end of each week I
- enter these transactions in the Ledger Posting
- section. You may want to do this on a daily
- basis. In either case, you will then have a
- printed record of all your transactions available.
- - 6 -
- -----------------------------
- Begin New Year
- When starting a system for the first time you
- will be asked for year and starting month
- information.
- If you already have a working budget you will
- be given the option to reuse the existing Chart of
- Accounts. If this is the case, H.B.M.S. will
- optionally transfer Asset and Liability balances
- as well as the Budget data. In order to take
- advantage of this you should have a "copy" of the
- old data files (STARTUP.HBM, CATS.yr,
- ACCOUNTS.yr) on your new data disk. After the new
- year has been initialized you may delete the old
- copies of CATS.yr and ACCOUNTS.yr.
- Printer Codes
- H.B.M.S. was designed to work with an IBM
- compatible dot matrix printer. My Gemini-10X
- conforms to these standards with no changes. All
- data, except for the Chart of Accounts, is printed
- in condensed font (17 cpi). The Chart of Accounts
- is printed in elite font (12 cpi). If in doubt
- about your printer, use this section to change any
- of the printer formatting codes to conform to your
- particular printer. This will create a separate
- printer support file on the default drive named
- PRINTER.HBM. If your printer has a wide carriage,
- you might want to enter null values for the
- condensed codes. If your printer does not support
- italics, enter a null value for the italics codes.
- Your printer manual should list all these codes.
- - 7 -
- -------------------------
- Chart of Accounts
- Great care should be taken in creating your Chart of
- Accounts. It can be broad, with just a few accounts under at
- least one category per money group, or it can be very
- definitive with multiple accounts under numerous categories.
- You might want to keep special accounts just for tax related
- items. I like to separate principals and interest on
- liabilities. By doing this I can keep an accurate running
- balance on how much I owe. (see sample data)
- Group your accounts under categories for more
- informational reports. These categories will be grouped
- according to whether they are INCOME, EXPENSES, ASSETS, or
- LIABILITIES. NOTE: the categories must be created first, so
- that accounts will have somewhere to be placed.
- Accounts may be added, changed, or deleted at any time
- during the budget year. While using the program, accounts
- and categories will be referred to by a code which you will
- assign. These codes can consist of up to four characters.
- Try to keep them short and easy to remember. These codes can
- be entered in either upper of lower case. As an example, the
- code "CK" might be used to call up the "Checking Account".
- The restrictions that apply are as follows:
- * There must be at least one category and one account
- per money group.
- * Total number of categories should not exceed 38.
- * Total number of accounts should not exceed 254 with
- no more than 38 accounts per category.
- * Account names or codes may be changed but this may
- lead to confusion if printed reports under the first
- part of the year differ from those after the change
- is made. None of the other data contained in these
- accounts will be changed.
- * Accounts may be moved to different categories as
- long as they don't cross money group boundaries.
- ( an account under an income category may not be
- moved to an expense category )
- * Category codes and names may be changed but the
- confusion factor mentioned above still applies.
- * Accounts may be deleted only if they have had no
- action during the year.
- - 8 -
- * Categories may be deleted if they do not have any
- accounts assigned to them. This constraint may be
- avoided by moving all accounts from under the
- category to be deleted, to other categories first.
- Re-sequence Accounts
- The order in which categories and accounts appear on
- your Chart of Accounts can be different than the
- order in which they were entered. After creating or
- editing your Chart of Accounts, you may re-sequence
- their appearance by selecting "Re-sequence Accounts".
- Their current order will be displayed and you will
- be allowed to change them around to suit your
- taste.
- Budget Assignment
- H.B.M.S. allows you to assign a budget figure
- for each month. By using this feature you may
- set goals for your projected income and expenses.
- While I'm not sure that this is proper accounting
- procedure, you may even set budget amounts for
- assets and liabilities. This might allow you to
- set goals for your savings or how soon you plan to
- pay off a debt. Of course, it wouldn't make sense
- to budget for your checking account, as it's
- balance varies to no set pattern.
- If you decide you don't want to budget
- for certain accounts, just enter a zero value for
- each month. If all months have a zero budget
- value then your reports will show a "n/a" in place
- of a budget figure.
- After selecting a code to budget for, the
- values for each particular month will be shown along
- with a grand total for the year. If you want to
- make changes, answer "n" to the prompt, and you
- will be allowed to enter figures for each month.
- On your first visit to the Budget Assignment
- section, and any time while the beginning month of
- the budget is still open, you will be given an
- additional choice to enter a yearly total and have
- the computer divide it among the months.
- It should be noted that budget figures can be
- updated at any time, but you will only be allowed
- to change values for the months which have not been
- closed.
- When you exit the Budget Assignment section
- you will automatically be presented with a
- summary of your budget status.
- - 9 -
- --------------------
- The Ledger Posting section is the part of the program
- where you will be entering your daily transactions. As
- mentioned before, H.B.M.S. is a double entry ledger system.
- At this point maybe we should address the Debit/Credit idea
- behind this program.
- It's not too hard as long as you remember which way the
- money is going. Are you decreasing an account balance
- (debit) or increasing an account balance (credit)? Notice
- the use of the word "balance". It is essential that you
- understand this idea in order to use H.B.M.S. The following
- examples may help.
- Let's take the example of writing a check to the
- Electric Company. You will have to make an entry that shows
- the money coming out of your checking account. Your checking
- account balance will go down (a DEBIT). Now that you've shown
- the money coming out you will have to show where it went.
- This, of course, would be whatever account you plan to charge
- electricity to. The electricity account balance would go up
- (a CREDIT). For every DEBIT (the Checking Account) there must
- be a CREDIT (Electricity Account). It sounds like a lot of
- work, but the program has been designed to make it as easy as
- possible.
- If you received a paycheck you would have to show the
- money coming in to an account in the Income group. This
- would be increasing or CREDITING that account balance. For
- every Credit there must be a Debit so at this point we must
- show the money going somewhere. If the paycheck was for $500
- and you put the entire amount in a checking account, the
- checking balance would go up by $500 (a CREDIT). This may
- sound confusing, two CREDITS in the same transaction. Just
- remember that any transaction consists of at least two
- entries representing the movement of the money. In the above
- example you could have shown the $500 coming in and then
- dispersed it to more than one account. You might have put
- $400 in checking, $50 in a savings account, and the remaining
- $50 into a spending cash account. All of the above account
- balances increased so they were all CREDITS.
- When it comes to borrowing money (a LIABILITY), the
- debit/credit idea still applies. If you take out a $8000
- loan to buy a car, you will be increasing a liability account
- (CREDIT). This money has to be shown going somewhere, and it
- should be represented as an increase to an expense account
- for the new car (CREDIT). As you make monthly payments on
- the car loan, your liability account balance will decrease
- accordingly (DEBIT).
- If you stop and think about whether an account balance
- will increase or decrease then you will know if it's a credit
- or a debit. If money is shown coming in it must be shown
- going to somewhere and vice-versa.
- - 10 -
- All this discussion will help you decide what the first
- entry in a ledger transaction will be. The first prompt will
- be for a "D" (debit), "C" (credit), or "V" (view previous
- transactions).
- Once the decision has been made whether you will be
- debiting or crediting the first account, H.B.M.S. will
- handle the rest. Negative values will be automatically
- entered where needed. YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE TO USE THE MINUS
- The following is a sample transaction of writing a check
- to the drug store.
- Step 1. At the first prompt you would select "D" to debit
- checking.
- Step 2. Then you would enter the code for your checking
- account. At this point H.B.M.S. will show you the
- current balance for that account.
- Step 3. Enter the date.
- Step 4. Enter the check number. This field is optional. If
- you were debiting spending cash there would be no
- check number.
- Step 5. Enter who the check was written to. This field is
- also optional, as in the case of spending cash.
- * Step 6. Here is where the flexibility of H.B.M.S. shines.
- In the case of a checking transaction you would
- want to enter the full amount of the check. As
- you enter where the money will be dispersed in the
- steps below, H.B.M.S. will prompt you with the
- remaining balance of the check as you go along.
- In the case of a spending cash transaction you
- might want to leave this space blank. As you
- enter the separate amounts that the cash was
- dispersed to, H.B.M.S. will keep a running total
- for you.
- Step 7. Now you will begin to disperse the money to their
- respective accounts. If all the money is intended
- to go to one account enter the full amount.
- Otherwise enter the partial value.
- Step 8. Enter the code for the account selected.
- - 11 -
- Step 9. Enter a description for the transaction. This
- field is also optional, but it really helps to
- describe each item for future reference.
- NOTE: If you enter tilde character <~> only,
- H.B.M.S. will copy the description entered
- in step 5. See the paycheck transactions in
- the sample data.
- Step 10. Now you have fulfilled the minimum of two entries
- for a transaction. If you entered a value in step
- 6 and accounted for all of it in step 7 you will
- be finished. Otherwise you will be able to
- keep adding entries to be drawn from the
- account in step 2.
- When finished you will be asked if everything is ok. If
- you made a mistake in an entry, enter "n" and you will be
- allowed to go back and make corrections. However the
- automatic prompting for the remaining balance will not be in
- effect so as not to erase the values you may have already
- entered. Remember, the entire transaction can be aborted at
- any time by entering a null value for a code prompt.
- If you enter a "V" in response to step 1 you will be
- allowed to view the transactions already entered for the
- current month. This can be very handy if you don't
- remember if you have entered something. You will be
- prompted for a record number to display. These are the
- numbers on the left side of the ledger posting screen.
- When you first enter the VIEW section you will be prompted
- with the record number following the last one to be printed
- (see Transaction Report). You may enter a record number that
- you think is close to the one you want to view, and that
- entire transaction screen will be shown just as you entered
- it. You can browse through the screens at will and when
- finished just enter a null value at the record number prompt.
- NOTE: Changes are not allowed to the ledger once the "Above
- ok" has been given. This is to allow a good audit trail. If
- you made a mistake you will have to make an appending entry
- to account for the error.
- - 12 -
- --------------------
- This section does just what you would expect. At the
- end of each month you should select the Close Current Month
- routine. H.B.M.S will read the entire ledger for the current
- month, update totals, and declare the following month open.
- If for any reason you have to go back to a previous
- month to make additions or changes there is a reopen feature
- also. Just remember that ledger posting can only be done on
- the current open month.
- - 13 -
- -------------
- Reports by Account
- In this section you have access to almost all data
- that H.B.M.S. has to offer. When first accessing this
- section you will be able to select from 3 formats
- which include a monthly report, an annual report, and
- a sorted ledger. After making your choice you will be
- prompted for the account code you are interested in.
- The data will be displayed and you will given the
- opportunity to display the same account in the other
- two formats. Just hitting <ENTER> will keep the
- format you are in and prompt you with the next account
- code. NOTE: When selecting either the Month Format or
- the Sorted Ledger Format for the first time there will
- be a slight delay while H.B.M.S. gathers up some data.
- After this has been done you will be able to flip
- between all three formats with no delay at all.
- Transaction Report
- The Transaction Report will make a printed copy of
- your ledger transactions just as you entered them.
- You might want to print out the transactions after
- every ledger posting session. If so, H.B.M.S. will
- remember the last record printed for the month and
- prompt you for the next unprinted record number. I
- usually post the ledger about 4 to 5 times a month,
- but I like to wait till the end of the month and then
- print out the entire month's transactions at one time.
- If I need to see a transaction that has not been
- printed yet, I use the "VIEW" feature in the Ledger
- Posting section.
- Income and Expense
- The Income and Expense Report prints all the monthly
- oriented data including averages, budget figures,
- reserves, etc. There is also an opportunity to print
- out just the Asset and Liability information in a form
- called the "Balance Sheet".
- Annual Actuals
- Prints all the monthly totals up to and including the
- current month. All figures will be in whole dollars
- only because of space limitations.
- Annual Budget
- Prints all monthly budget totals for the entire year.
- Chart of Accounts
- Prints a summary of all accounts grouped in their
- respective categories according to the sequence you
- have selected. This printout should be kept handy
- when posting the ledger, but you should find that most
- codes will be easy to remember if they are carefully
- selected.
- - 14 -
- -------------
- H.B.M.S. keeps all account values in memory in order to
- to keep disk access to a minimum and speed up the program.
- Whenever you end the program, if any data has been changed it
- will automatically be updated on the disk. If you have
- entered a lot of data it might be safe to save it
- occasionally without getting out of the program. A power
- outage or a program crash could negate any data that was
- entered since the last save.
- I would like to state that I have used this program
- for some time, and it serves my purposes well. I hope you
- will be able to benefit from it also. In it's present form
- it is set up to run on a color monitor, as the use of
- color is exploited throughout the program. However, if
- you find that I have made any unacceptable errors in the
- design, or if you can suggest some ways to make it better,
- please let me know.
- H.B.M.S. was written in TURBO PASCAL and has taken more
- of my time than I care to admit. If you find that it suits
- your needs, please consider a $15 contribution. In any case
- please share this program with your friends, but make sure
- it's in the original "ARC" format and includes the
- documentation and sample data. Send any comments and
- suggestions to:
- Brentson Worrell
- 6404 Mornay Dr.
- Tampa, FL 33615
- - 15 -